Wednesday 7 April 2021


Students of class fourth celebrated Health day through a discussion done in class on topic “What makes a Balanced diet”. Most of the students shared eating fruits, vegetables, drinking   eight to ten glasses of water make   balanced diet. They should avoid Junk food. Eating less oily and spicy food. They need balanced diet to stay fit, free for diseases and for growth. Through discussion they learnt   nutrients carbohydrate in chapati, bread, rice give them energy to perform work. Cheese, Pulses are important for their growth as it provide protein are also part of balanced diet. Small amount of fats as nuts or butter is important to dissolve vitamins and minerals.  Fiber in fruits help to keep intestine clean so they should prefer to eat fruit than drinking juice. They also learnt Balanced diet for them and their grandparents   is different due to different nutritional needs. Some students   depicted balanced diet by making colorful food pyramid in file and shared on GC.  Active participation   of students was appreciated. Students  confidence and full participation made learning a complete success .


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