Sunday 29 August 2021

Saturday 21 August 2021

Saturday 14 August 2021

Happy Independence Day, 2021

 All I desire for my country is happiness

My love for my nation is boundless.

 My love for my people is endless.

Let me be the first person to wish you a special Happy Independence Day!

 We are blessed to be born in a country that was independent and we must thank our ancestors who made so many sacrifices for it…. 

Happy Independence Day 2021

Theme -"Nation first , Always first"

Freedom is in our minds, 

faith is in our words, 

pride is in our hearts and

 great memories are in our souls.

Happy Independence Day of India ( 15 August 2021)

India will Celebrate its 75th Independence Day on August 15, 2021. India is one of the largest democracies in the world. Since Independence, India has made good progress in every field including Military, Space programs, Education, and Entertainment. Independence Day marks the end of British rule on 15 August 1947 and the establishment of a free and independent Indian nation.

Quizzes scoreboard class 6A formation of solar system


Thursday 12 August 2021

5A Group Activity- Food Chains and Food Webs in different Habitats

Class VA    Group activity

Food chain and food web Making  Science

Students of Class 5A were divided into group  to make food chain and food webs of organisms in different habitats .Students in group  Alpha , Champion ,Horsepower and Crusaders  with six  to seven students each  were shared pics of animals in variety of habitats as grasslands , deserts , ocean , rainforest  by me . They were given  different questions after basic explanation of feeding relationship  among  organisms in their local habitat . They prepared  food chains and  also  answered related questions  . This team activity  helped to develop team bonding were  engaged to learn a new  topic  .They  developed skills as communication and collaboration .They presented their task and shared learning with whole class .