Tuesday 1 January 2019


Dear children, here's a wonderful opportunity to express and showcase your idea in the form
 of a story/poem. Make the most of your vacation and your potential.
 Good luck to all!

•       Entries should be original. Plagiarised or copied entries will be disqualified.
•       One entry is allowed per child
•       The story or poem must be neatly typed in Word Doc
        Font: Times New Roman / Font Size: 12
•       Write Name, Date of Birth, Full Address and Contact Details at the top of the entry.
•       Entries will be selected by Manmeet Narang, Author and Founder of Sailing Leaf.
•       Selected entries will be published on our website www.kukdukoolitfest.com
•       Give away for all participants at the Kukdukoo Lit Fest on 2nd-3rd February 2019.
•       Interpret the prompt the way you want. You can write either a story or a poem.
•       Entries should be in English.
•       Entries will be selected on the basis of originality and creativity.
•       Slight grammatical errors here and there will be ignored. It is important children freely express their ideas and      thoughts.
•       Children must write on their own, without assistance from any adult. You can take feedback from someone but execute the story yourself.

Attachments area

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