Sunday 19 July 2015



Comprising of ancient loo seats, royal commodes and a good dose of toilet humour, the Sulabh Sanitation Trust's museum in New Delhi has become an unconventional success since opening in 1994. Its founder, Dr Bindeshwar Pathak, 65, whose other passion is providing proper sanitation for India's poor, explains how he turned a collection of rare loo-related artifacts into an exhibition that has won worldwide acclaim.

Wednesday 15 July 2015


  • Food item rich in carbohydrate is ___________.
  • Egg is rich source of protein,the mineral________&vitamin________.
  • ________________ is a rich source of fat .

  • Milk provides _______________ ,vitamin D and ____________ mineral .
  • _____________ fruit is a rich source of vitamin A.
  • Spinach is a good source of mineral ____________________
  • Both egg &______________ are rich in____________________
Help box 
Iron,Protein, Chappati , Papaya, milk, calcium, protein,iodine,Vitamin B, Butter

Monday 6 July 2015


Health Tips for rainy Season

 1. Avoid sleeping in day time.  2. Do not indulge in extreme physical exertion. 3. Do not get exposed to sun frequently. 4. Always carry something to protect yourself from the downpour. a raincoat or an umbrella will do. 5. If you get drenched by the heavy rain, dry yourself as soon as possible or you can take a shower first and then dry yourself before taking a sip of that coffee. 6. Always keep the surroundings dry and clean, neat and tidy. Do not allow water to get accumulated around you. 7. Keep your body warm as viruses attack immediately when body temperature goes down. 8. Do not enter air conditioned room with wet hair and wet cloths. 9. Dry your feet with soft dry cloth whenever they are wet. 10. Wash vegetables with clean water and steam them well to kill germs.  11. Avoid eating uncooked foods and salads. Because the possibility to get caught by germs increases. 12. Drink plenty of water and keep your body well hydrated always.  13. Do not allow kids to play in stagnant polluted water filled puddles. 14. Keep antiseptic liquids like dettol or savlon handy and use for washing off mud or dirt that usually gets splashed around. Don't just wash your hands but also your feet to avoid itching, rashes and skin infections. 15. Always use sturdy footwear that will give you a good grip and adequate protection to avoid slipping or falling.  16. If you have any minor accidents, use ice it helps in numbing the nerve endings. 17. If you are suffering from asthma or diabetes, avoid staying anywhere with wet walls. It promotes the growth of fungus and can be especially harmful. 18. Drink lots of warming herbal teas, especially those with antibacterial properties such as holybasil leaves.

Friday 3 July 2015



 • The union minister Harsha vardhan dedicated supercomputer ‘Bhaskara’ to the nation, which will help meteorologists in research and wealth prediction on 2nd June.

 • BCCI appoints Ravi Shastri as an interim coach for the Bangladesh tour

. • Twenty Indian army soldiers died after their convoy was ambushed by a group of militants in Manipur’s chandel district on 4th June. 

• Prominent scientist Ameenah gurib-fakim appointed first woman president of Mauritius on 4th June.

• World environment day was observed on the 5th June. • Former captain Rahul Dravid had been appointed as the coach of the India A and under -19 cricket team. 

• Serena Williams beats Lucie Safarova to win the French open title on 6th June. 

• Former prime minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee conferred with the award of Bangladesh liberation war honor on 7th June. •

 Vijay Sharma has been named the new chief information commissioner

. • Famous actor sir Christopher lee, who was best known for his role as count Dracula died in Chelsea, England on 11th June. 

• The creator of Chandigarh’s rock garden died in Chandigarh at the age of 90 on 12th June

 • According to Chinese monitoring agency, Mount Everest moved three centimeters during recent devastating earthquakes in Nepal. 

• Sunil Chhetri becomes the first Indian footballer to score more than 50 goals 

• On 20th of June the first international yoga day celebrated across the globe and India sets a Guinness world record with largest yoga class with 35895 people 

• Sister Nirmala Joshi, who succeeded mother Teresa as the head of missionaries of charity ,died in Kolkata at the age of 81 on 21st June .

 • India was the first time defeated by Bangladesh cricket team in bi lateral series by 2-1. 

Tennis legend Steffi Graff appointed as the ayurveda brand ambassador of Kerala.

 • Former Pakistan cricketer Zaheer Abbas had been appointed as the new ICC president.

 • Satnam Singh becomes first Indian born player to be drafted in NBA .

 • Sri Lanka batsman Kumara Sangakara announces retirement from test cricket.

Wednesday 1 July 2015


International Joke Day

 There's nothing healthier than a good laugh & as 1st July is International Joke Day.I thought it would be fun to celebrate this with students. Here are some jokes.

 What do you call a boomerang that doesn't work?

 A stick


 How can you tell that there is an elephant in your sandwich?

 When it's too heavy to lift. 


 Why couldn't the skeleton go to the dance?

 Because he had no body to go with.


 If the red house is on the right side and if the blue house is on the left side where's the white house?

 Washington DC



Archimedes, the inventor and engineer

Archimedes is also famous as an inventor because he made new tools and machines. For example, he made a machine to lift water that could be used by farmers to bring water to their crops. This is called Archimedes' screw.

Archimedes probably also invented a machine to measure distance, an odometer. A cart was built with wheels that turned four hundred times in one mile. A pin on the wheel would hit a 400-tooth gear, so it turned once for every mile. This gear would then make a small stone fall into a cup. At the end of a journey one could count the number of stones in the cup to find the distance.
Archimedes also made a system which one person could pull a large ship with just one rope. This was called the compound pulley. This is an important machine even today, as it helps people in everyday life, although the versions we now use are much more complicated. They still work by the same principle.