Saturday 30 April 2022

Model of Respiratory System in class 5A

Students of stage 6 Cambridge wing DAV Pushpanjali in group of six students   prepared working model of lungs in bottle. Students    brought plastic bottle, balloon, straw and collectively prepared the model. They quickly related the model to explain working of lungs. They explained merits of the model by blowing balloons with air during breathing in and deflating balloon during breathing out when diaphragm balloon is pulled down. They also explained disadvantages of model and tell that real lung are spongy where as model lungs are hollow. They reinforce skills, refine understanding through group discussing and explanation.

Friday 22 April 2022

Earth day celebration Stage 5 Poster - Zero waste Life style

Stage 5 learners prepared a poster in their science file on topic Zero Waste Lifestyle. Students individually prepared the poster depicting how can I follow a zero-waste lifestyle. The activity was aimed to develop awareness about ways to reduce amount of waste an individual creates on the daily basis. Students learnt the logo of 3R and discussed one way they follow reuse, reduce and recycle in their life. This way they get committed to send little waste to landfills.

Earthday celebration class6 Clean the Terra trash and its audit

Class 6 Students organised cleaning of Terra trash in the school playground, near school canteen, near car parking and performed its audit. This program was aimed to develop awareness  among children for a brighter, greener, and cleaner  planet . Students wore gloves, mask and carried garbage bags. Students collected  plastic bottles ,straws, foil papers  and enthusiastically  audited  the garbage . Students counted and prepared tally marks and graph of their data.  Students enjoyed   the activity.

World Earth Day 2022 Class5 Lap Book on Sustainable Living

Class 5 students prepared Lap book on Sustainable Living. Students in group of three divided the task among themselves. They presented the idea of sustainable, ecofriendly habits, conserving water, conserving energy with slogans and quotes on Earth. Students visited all other classrooms to spread awareness of sustainable living.