Monday 24 August 2020

class 4 Activity - Mirrors 21 AUG 2020

Mirrors are  smooth and polished surface . They formed from simple glass with a shiny copper or aluminium coating behind it to make it reflecting  surface .Activity to show how a transparent glas can be made into mirror with reflecting surface .


Research the factors needed for photosynthesis class v activity

Tuesday 18 August 2020

Class IV Activity -Investigate how we see things(18.08.2020)

Two holes were cut in a lid of the box. A small coin was placed inside the box . Task was to see the coins through  the holes.
Observation - It was completely dark inside the box and  nothing was visible .
Then a  strong beam of light was allowed to pass through one of the hole and coin could be seen through the other hole .
Observation - coin was clearly seen .
Explanation - LIGHT from  the torch falls on the coin . Coin reflects the light . This reflected light enters our eyes and we can see the coin .


Thursday 13 August 2020

Virtual Independence Day Celebration 13.8.20

Students of  Cambridge wing celebrated independence day  on 13 Aug 2020 with fervour. All students prepared a colourful cultural programme under the guidance of teachers and parents to present it live from their homes. All friends and family members witnessed the live performance on youtube.

Hemang played role-play of Gandhi Ji. Angel and Siddhant sang a poem describing the country of India. Saksham sang a patriotic song in Hindi. Rudra recited a  poem in Hindi. Dev shared ideas of celebrating Independence Day in the new normal condition where everyone has to follow social distancing. Dhawik delivered the facts of Independence Day with a  remembrance to the great martyrs who sacrificed their lives for the nation. Ishika sung poem praising motherland.

class vi Energy Activities(13AUG 2020)

Daily activities that require energy as lifting and holding items . Energy from fuels as oil  coal ,petrol , wood and diesel was discussed  through activities.


Friday 7 August 2020

Painting Competition International Tiger 🐅 Day

Click on the link given below

Thursday 6 August 2020



Participate in National Level Competition 2020
